One of my bucket list items has been to visit some of the historic major league ballparks that I’ve been watching my Tigers and now Rays play at over the past many years.  I’ve been to Tiger and Comerica stadiums in Detroit and have been to the original Yankee stadium and Wrigley Field over the past few years.  This year we decided to head for Boston and see our Rays play the Red Sox at historic Fenway Park. In addition to being the oldest major league ballpark, it’s also a tradition among Bostonians regardless of age and demographics.  Going to the park, you could feel the magic as soon as you entered the gate, there’s a spirit and energy that is unlike any other ballpark and a loyalty to the team that has become a cult brand for its many fans for years.  Cult Branding is the title of a book written a few years ago by my marketing guru, expert and my friend B.J. Bueno who describes a cult brand as one that “with the right combination of positioning and branding takes on magnetic characteristics and galvanize die-hard customers who become walking, talking viral marketers.

The Red Sox certainly have accomplished this over the years.  One can hardly travel around the country or visit a tourist attraction without seeing Red Sox hats, tee shirts, jerseys, jackets on people men, women, and children.  And if you mention the team to them, they’ll immediately give you an emphatic opinion and commentary on their most recent games and standings.  This week was no different.  We showed up at Fenway with our Rays hats and shirts on and were immediately caught up in several discussions about how our team was leading the league standing over Boston by 5 games but how the Sox would be back soon.  Even after their team fell behind 8-4 in the ninth inning the over 30,000 fans emphatically sang the “Sweet Caroline” anthem that has become a Boston trademark.  We decided to sign up for a Fenway Park tour the next morning and the brand was even more strengthened as we went from a Red Sox merchandise store as large as Dick’s Sporting Goods to a tradition-filled explanation of the history of the stadium and the team.  Of course, the stadium is unique with the Green Monster left field wall and short right field stands, but who would expect a functioning roof-top garden that provides produce to the concessions and museum that recounts the team’s history.  When they talk about the Red Sox Nation, there is no other group of “customers” that are as loyal or enthusiastic—a real cult brand!!

Other successful brands have followed the Red Sox lead and developed the same type of loyalty with an effective brand strategy and effective marketing.  Here are just a few”

Chick Fil-A. The Atlanta fast food company has broken all the rules in building a loyal customer base.  Go by a Chick-Fil-A at any time of the day (except Sundays) and there is a double line of cars in the drive thru, a full parking lot and a staff that lives and breathes customer service.  They’ve taken a mediocre chicken sandwich and build a menu that people love and are almost addicted to. Basic fare but consistently served and loved by customers of all ages.  Their famous “Eat Mor Chickn” with the cow spokespersons are loved and effective as any long-running campaign in the fast food industry.  Go to any sporting event and they have a spot the Chick-Fil-A cow in the stands who needs no explanation and is universally recognized.  The company’s involvement in their local communities only build their brand and developed a loyalty that is unsurpassed in the industry.

Harley-Davidson motorcycles.  B.J.Bueno discusses this cult brand in detail in his book and there is no doubt that when it comes to motorcycles there is no brand as well-known or as promoted by its customers.  If you need proof just go to Sturgis or Daytona Beach at bike week and you’ll witness a cult-brand in action  like no other vehicle.

Tesla.  Elon Musk has developed the electric vehicle market and a cult brand at the same time.  Owners love the car and the technology  which rivals Apple products in design and state of the art  features that have helped it grow and made him one of the richest people in the world.

Costco.  A warehouse store is a warehouse store. Right?  Not when you look at the performance of Costco which has developed a cult brand of its own despite respectable competition from Sam’s Club and BJ’s.  The company has developed its own brands that consistently rate highest in the Consumer Reports rating for quality and reliability.  The store experience is second to none without providing real customer service—except when you need it.  The food quality and presentation make you hungry and loyal despite long-term food chains who also do a great job over the years. The wine selections is outstanding and offers low priced brands and high-end vintages that appeal to all customers.  Their sampling stands are a draw that builds loyalty and sales in-stored while adding to the ambiance of the shopping experience.  Electronics, auto service, optical, Rx, and contract services all continually live up to the Costco brand that has a loyal and excited customer base.

Apple. Another featured brand in the book.  Apple continues to develop a loyal customer base (that includes yours truly) with not only state of the art tech products but with customer service that never disappoints.  Whether it’s online, by phone, or in one of their bustling stores, Apple always makes the customer feel important by never talking down to them and always satisfying their needs. One only needs to take an airline trip and watch the number of passengers swiping their i-phones as they board to appreciate how Apple has become part of everyday life for so many customers worldwide.

Amazon.  Does anyone not use Amazon for almost anything you might need?  The company has made buying so easy and fool proof there is no surprise to see the gray Amazon vans several times a day on your neighborhood streets (and in our front drive).  Using the Amazon site makes getting the right product and then using it easier than ever and the company anticipates customer expectations before there is a problem. Refunds, exchanges, re-orders are all made easier by a brand that has changed retail forever.

So, the Rays beat the Red Sox 2 out of 3 but the loyal cult of fans at Fenway kept cheering till the end of the ninth inning just for the experience,